Re: [AD] allegro-4.2.0 compilation error with gcc-4.1.2

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On Sun, Jul 02, 2006 at 11:44:01AM +0200, Elias Pschernig wrote:
> Oh, btw., who is Matthew?

Matthew Green, he came up with the patches.

> Yes, very weird. fixdiv works, a 2 weeks older gcc version works, but
> fixmul does not. Oh, btw, are you compiling with any special
> optimization flags?

No, just -O2.

> Or maybe BSD or linux reserve additional registers
> for something, so one has no register available.

No clue, sorry.

> Sure. Maybe also someone else hits the problem as more and more people
> will upgrade to gcc >= 20060628. I'll also try to understand the new
> patch now.. I'm still confused thogh how the counting of parameters
> works, e.g. what parameter the %5 is now.

Yeah. Perhaps Matthew can explain it -- you can reach him at
mrg at eterna com au, tell him I sent you :)


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