Re: [AD] multiple windows

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On 2006-08-17, Chris Robinson <chris.kcat@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Thursday 17 August 2006 05:31, Elias Pschernig wrote:
> > This means, the
> > system driver should call XOpenDisplay, and all the display drivers
> > should re-use the connection.
> This doesn't sound proper. IMO, an AL_DISPLAY should invoke it's own 
> connection to the server (after all, if we're mapping AL_DISPLAY to an X11 
> Display object (and the equivilant for other systems), you can't have 
> multiple AL_DISPLAYs sharing the same connection.

Why not?  That's the usual way of using X.

> Each window needs its own 
> Display handle,

Why?  Each window needs its own _Window_ handle.  A "Display" in X11
terminology consist of a monitor (or more), keyboard and mouse.

> AFAIK, in X, the WM doesn't handle the joystick like it does the keyboard or 
> mouse. You have to open the device yourself and watch for events.

X actually can handle joysticks via its XInput interface, but nobody
uses it.


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