Re: [AD] multiple windows

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On Thursday 17 August 2006 05:31, Elias Pschernig wrote:
> This means, the
> system driver should call XOpenDisplay, and all the display drivers
> should re-use the connection.

This doesn't sound proper. IMO, an AL_DISPLAY should invoke it's own 
connection to the server (after all, if we're mapping AL_DISPLAY to an X11 
Display object (and the equivilant for other systems), you can't have 
multiple AL_DISPLAYs sharing the same connection. Each window needs its own 
Display handle, unless you're doing something like sub-windows, but that's a 
whole nother kettle of fish.

So, I pretty much see it as:

     Window Manager
      /         \
X11 Event     X11 Event (WM sends events)
    |             |
 Display       Display  (our display code handles them)
    |             |
  Queue         Queue   (event is pushed onto the per-display queue)
    |             |
  Event         Event   (user retreives events)

From there, it'll be a lot easier for a user to push the seperate events into 
their own global event queue, than it would be to seperate a single event 
queue into multiple queues.. especially if they have an arbitrary amount of 
windows/displays open, where it becomes much more difficult. 

> And I have no idea about joystick.. I'd have said it should always
> affect the window with keyboard focus. But I never had a joystick, so
> can't really say much how the OS/WM (if at all) handles it.

AFAIK, in X, the WM doesn't handle the joystick like it does the keyboard or 
mouse. You have to open the device yourself and watch for events. But at the 
same time, I can't see needing joystick events seperated per window, unlike 
mouse or keyboard events. You don't really use a joystick to interact with 
the system, you use it to interact with games.

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