Re: [AD] [4.3] New API?

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On Tuesday 08 August 2006 11:26 pm, Peter Wang wrote:
> On 2006-08-08, Thomas Fjellstrom <tfjellstrom@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > Where exactly is it? I coppied the 4.3 branch over to my vfs-work area,
> > and I can't find any new al_ functions or the new GFX stuff. The events
> > stuff is there, but nothing else :o
> Are you looking for include/allegro/display.h and src/display.c?
> There's no other new gfx stuff to my knowledge.

Ah, I see. I had thought allot of the new stuff like al_blit had actually been 
worked on at least a little.

I was looking for some examples on style and whatnot for the file stuff.

For instance, do I add a al_install_vfs (like the old 4.2 install_foo things)? 
Or what?

The "VFS" handling in Allegro will really be as transparent as possible, and a 
install_foo function for it sort of implies that theres more to it than a few 
basic vtable entries. especially calling it "install_vfs", so far what I have 
going is, allegro knows not of VFSs, it just gets a vtable registered and all 
of allegro's file stuff now uses those methods, so "install_vfs" is kinda a 

> Peter

Thomas Fjellstrom

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