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On 2006-08-08, Thomas Fjellstrom <tfjellstrom@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Tuesday 08 August 2006 11:26 pm, Peter Wang wrote:
> > On 2006-08-08, Thomas Fjellstrom <tfjellstrom@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > > Where exactly is it? I coppied the 4.3 branch over to my vfs-work area,
> > > and I can't find any new al_ functions or the new GFX stuff. The events
> > > stuff is there, but nothing else :o
> >
> > Are you looking for include/allegro/display.h and src/display.c?
> > There's no other new gfx stuff to my knowledge.
> Ah, I see. I had thought allot of the new stuff like al_blit had actually been
> worked on at least a little.
> I was looking for some examples on style and whatnot for the file stuff.
Style-wise, the only change from 4.2 is that _new_ files should use only
spaces, no tabs. Indents are still three spaces, we still put newlines
and whitespace in all the same places, things are capitalised in the
same way, etc. Various files and ports have deviations from this, as
they always have, but try to stick the the standard.
> For instance, do I add a al_install_vfs (like the old 4.2 install_foo things)?
> Or what?
I thought you had a design in mind already?
I think the basic local file functionality should be there by default.
If you want anything else, then you would need to register it.
> The "VFS" handling in Allegro will really be as transparent as possible, and a
> install_foo function for it sort of implies that theres more to it than a few
> basic vtable entries. especially calling it "install_vfs", so far what I have
> going is, allegro knows not of VFSs, it just gets a vtable registered and all
> of allegro's file stuff now uses those methods, so "install_vfs" is kinda a
> lie..
Can we stop calling it a VFS please? I don't even know what that means
any more.