Re: [AD] OpenGL

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On Tue, 2006-07-25 at 09:52 -0700, Robert Ohannessian wrote:
> (1) has a lot of presence in AGL. We do have chip and driver-specific
> hacks to work around driver bugs, various platform issues, etc. It's a
> lot of code spread out all over the place.

I wonder if some of those should be thrown out, e.g. we need no more
workaround for "Voodoo" cards, since I'm quite sure they don't exist
anymore. But I guess, most stuff is still needed.

Anyway, is someone working or planning to work on merging in AllegroGL

As for license, we simply need to put the zlib.txt into the
corresponding allegrogl subfolder and state somewhere that part of the
code came from AllegroGL - the license of Allegro itself would not be
tainted by it. (We even could try to contact gfoot and whoever else may
have contributed and ask them to allow using it all in the new Allegro
as giftware.. but not really necessary I guess.)

Elias Pschernig

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