[AD] Research study on CVS - you can help and get paid!

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I am a Computer Science graduate student at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. I need your help in a study I want to conduct. I have created a project called LifeSource that visualizes CVS repositories. You can find screenshots and info here:

http://social.cs.uiuc.edu/people/gilbert (info on me)
http://social.cs.uiuc.edu/people/gilbert/research.html (info on LifeSource, the CVS project)

LifeSource appeared as a Work-in-Progress paper at ACM's CHI 2006 in Montreal (http://www.chi2006.org). I applied LifeSource to the Azureus and Gaim CVS repositories. I would like to apply the same visualization to your project. Next, I want to see if you as the visualized community find it accurate, helpful, disturbing, etc.

In order to participate in the study, you will need to view the LifeSource visualization once a week (on the web) for four weeks and respond to two short online surveys.

You will receive a $20 gift certificate for your participation.

I can fully explain the process in the near future - just email me back. I will provide all of the information of the methodology of the study online. (We can set up a blog for study members to leave further comments.)

Please let me know what you think. I plan on using the study in a long paper to CHI 2007.


P.S. I apologize for the spam and will send no more.

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