Re: [AD] The Grabber and GUI in 4.3 (was: Re: 4.3.0 progress)

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On Sun, 2006-07-23 at 13:19 -0700, Chris wrote:
> Why duplicate all the work? Just pick one useable GUI library and use that. 
> Qt4 is free for what we'd use it for, available on just about anything 
> Allegro will be, and, it's a very good GUI lib. I don't think the fact that 
> it's C++ should be a concern. This is 2006 after all, not 1996. :P

If DATAFILE is to be moved completely into the compatibility layer, and
Allegro only has a VFS like Tomasu's (which then can be hooked to read
from .dat or .zip or whatever by addons), then there's no reason at all
to have a grabber with Allegro. And the old grabber will have to use the
compatibility layer, since it needs to use DATAFILE.

For the zip addon however it might be nice if it ships with a Qt4
grabber, who would create .zip files.

Elias Pschernig

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