Re: [AD] allegro-4.2.0 compilation error with gcc-4.1.2

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On Tue, 2006-06-27 at 22:36 +0200, Thomas Klausner wrote:
> Hi!
> I tried compiling allegro-4.2.0 under NetBSD-3.99.21/i386
> with gcc (GCC) 4.1.2 20060603 prerelease (NetBSD nb1 20060602).
> It failed with:
> ./src/math3d.c: In function 'matrix_mul':
> include/allegro/platform/al386gcc.h:209: error: can't find a register in class 'GENERAL_REGS' while reloading 'asm'
> include/allegro/platform/al386gcc.h:209: error: can't find a register in class 'GENERAL_REGS' while reloading 'asm'
> I checked SVN, the file hasn't changed since the 4.2.0
> release on either the 4.2 or 4.3 branches.
> Can someone please provide a fix for this?

A quick fix for you would be to compile with --disable-asm. Not only
will it compile, but usually also run faster, since Allegro's inline asm
is optimized for 486 processors, while gcc using the -march option can
produce much better optimized code for your CPU.

Elias Pschernig

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