Re: [AD] 4.3.0 progress

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On 2006-07-22, Jon Rafkind <workmin@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I just went through a couple of the examples. Im using gentoo linux on
> an amd64 with an nvidia gfx card.
> 1. In fullscreen mode in exflame the screen size seems to be 640x480 but
> the area where the flames show up is only 320x200.

Are you able to set a 320x200 resolution normally?

> 2. I cant seem to use the keyboard to progress exflame in fullscreen mode

Is the input just delayed?  Can you find out which gfx driver is being
used?  I can't reproduce it on my brother's AMD64/Gentoo/nVidia machine.

> 3. ex3buf wants to use triple buffering now but my video card cant
> support this for whatever reason. ex3buf didnt need triple buffer
> before, why does it now?

This is normal now.  I think the video memory "emulation" was removed
from the X port.  Evert?


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