Re: [AD] 4.3 error handling

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> C and C++ are two different languages. Allegro is a C library. So
> I'm not sure what you want to say. E.g. I use Allegro with C and
> Python - if it would require C++, I would not use it anymore.

Well, how about Allegro providing a C++ wrapper, included as part of the
allegro distribution? I love allegro, it's a great library, but these days
it's starting to look quite dated the way it still uses global functions and
variables. I know there are C++ wrappers out there, but they invariably end
up not being updated and are out of date.

If Allegro actually came with an official, supported C++ wrapper couldn't
that give you the best of both worlds? I know it's a lot of work to create
one, but would you have any objection to the principle of doing so?

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