Re: [AD] Allegro under Vista beta 2

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On Fri, 02 Jun 2006 15:54:02 +0300, Milan Mimica <milan.mimica@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Stephen Apostolopoulos wrote:

If at any point you need someone to run some tests under windows, I'll be

I'm really curious about AllegroGL - the SVN version.
What happened with OpenGL on vista? I heard that it's stuck on vanilla
1.4 and no extensions?! Does AGL work at all?
Should go to AGL list.

That's a good question. Right now I'm writing an OpenGL wrapper for C# and it is most certainly true that you are stuck with OpenGL 1.4, emulated over Direct3d. It is annoying to no end since you are blocked from the real potential in opengl (and even more so since there are vista-ready drivers for my 9600Pro!)

I'll give AllegroGL a try. (I just hope it has become more stable since the 0.2.2 version when it hard-locked windows...)

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