Re: [AD] Cannot link Allegro on OSX with frameworks

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Peter Hull wrote:

That usually means you've got some stale versions somewhere, because
those symbols were added recently. What line are you using to link
your game?


Sorry for the delay. My link line is basically this:

g++ -framework Cocoa -framework Allegro -lalleg-main -o rafkill $(.o files..) -laldmb -ldumb -lpthread

I noticed that the framework was installed in /Library/Frameworks/Allegro.framework so I rm -rf'd the Allegro.framework directory and reinstalled Allegro, via make install-framework EMBED=1, but the missing symbol error( __install_allegro_version_check ) persists.

I cleaned /usr/local/lib as well and reinstalled. I also tried 'make uninstall && make install' but that didnt work either.

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