Re: [AD] Allegro# in the Google Summer of Code 2006

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On Monday 01 May 2006 20:34, Kirill Kononenko wrote:
>   Hi All,
> Have you heard about the Google Summer of Code 2006?
> There is a task to work on good object-oriented C# binding for Allegro
> at
> ...
> 12 .C# bindings for Allegro (Complexity: medium-high)
> This project would provide C# bindings for the Allegro library. This
> includes not only being able to call Allegro functions from C#, but also
> being able to do so in a way which 'feels natural' for the C# language.
> While the first part of the task is technically straightforward to define,
> the second part will require some thoughtful interface design.
> The Allegro library is a free video game software library, with functions
> for basic 2D graphics, image manipulation, text output, audio output, midi
> music, input and timers. It also includes additional routines for things
> like fixed-point and floating-point matrix arithmetic, unicode strings,
> file system access, file manipulation, data files, and (limited,
> software-only) 3D graphics.
> As of version 4.0, programs that use the library work on DOS, Microsoft
> Windows, BeOS, Mac OS X, and various Unix-like systems with (or without)
> the X Window System, abstracting their application programming interfaces
> into one portable interface. Allegro is very simple and easy to use yet
> powerful. In that way it is different from many other graphics libraries
> such as DirectX or SDL that offer more advanced functionality.
> ...
> Is anyone interested in taking part in this?
> K
> --
> Kirill Kononenko
> mail: Kirill.KononenkoATgmailDOTcom
> PGP/GPG public key available on request

Well somebody already has made .NET bindings for allegro and it's open source.
Maybe somebody can take that and port it over to dotnet.
For more information take a look here:


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