Re: [AD] remove global variables from Allegro

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those that are left global will have the al_  prefix will they not ?
that should be a sufficient pseudo namespace.

Evert Glebbeek wrote:
On Thursday 25 May 2006 03:55, Jon Rafkind wrote:
Occasionally I bind Allegro to various languages and the biggest pain is
always dealing with global variables that permeate through Allegro.
Could the same thing that was done with the text*_ex functions be done
with virtually everything else? In particular Id like to get rid of
color_map and rgb_map. Grepping through the Allegro source shows quite a
number of hits of these two variables so it would be fairly non-trivial
to remove all their uses, I would only attempt it if there is a general
consensus that such a thing is good.

It is good, but not for 4.2, certainly not for 4.2.1
Eliminating global variables as much as possible is one of the things 4.3 is supposed to do better.


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