Re: [AD] Too old allegro for Windows platform !

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I'm personally not Allegro developer, but anyway, few answers:

Roger Moffa napsal(a):
Hello every Allegro devellopers ;-)
First, sorry for my bad english, i will do my best to be clear and understable. :Setting the point of this e-mail and infos for understanding. It is now a whole week that i have reading the source code of allegro. My platform is windows XP sp2, and my devellopment compiler is now Dev-c++. I previously used Borland c++ 5.5 and builder 6. I have just before Dev-c++ used MS-VC 6 for compile allegro source but it whas hardly to get a error free binary form of allegro. There whas a lot of error for compiling the source of allegro (same thing with Dev-c++) but after 2 days of try to compiling allegro, i got finally a good working binary Allegro (demos exes, *.libs and *.dlls). For security, i have downloaded the precompiled binaries (libs and dlls) (thanks you a lot for this because compiling allegro is somewhat a real pain sometimes).

For Dev-C++ there exists for long time Allegro devpak, available at or using the Dev-C++'s update manager

1) For first: PLEASE test the compilation makefile before releasing new Allegro release. I am not a guru programmer level, just an intermediate one (self learning programming of long time now), and i am null with makefile. I do no understand all the dependance and cross-platform things and others 'make' language. I think i am not the only one in this case.

Building Allegro is extremely simple if you _exactly_ follow the instruction in the docs\build directory for your platform

2) Allegro is more easy and faster to program than DirectX. This is why i used so far, but... Allegro is very TOO OLD for the Windows/DirectX platform. - The DirectX used in Allegro is ... DirectX3 but in reality it use only the DirectX2.
  - In the file wwdraw.h = #define DIRECTDRAW_VERSION 0x0300
- In all DirectX call API => hr = IDirectDraw2_.... this is well DirectX2 API call, dead a long time ago ! In fact, DirectDraw died with DirectX8 and MS say that in future DDraw 7 API call will not supported anymore (because of use DirectGraphics / Direct3D). - The DirectInput version is = #define DIRECTINPUT_VERSION 0x0500

Will there be any advantage in using newer versions? Speed? Features?
Classic DDraw API is not developed, however it will be supported probably forever.


ICQ# 175762750

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