[AD] Using SourceForge's SVN repository

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Elias asked to use SVN instead of CVS for the web. Could do.

How does this go along with BAF's aim of SVN world domination? SF
allows to import the current CVS repo or any other uploaded .tar.gz,
which means the current SVN work wouldn't be lost if moved there.
Do you want to keep with the current setup or you have plans to
migrate to SF some day?

I ask this to know what kind of SVN import should I do, just the web
module or maybe everything? The difference from SVN to CVS is that
in CVS the modules are kind of separated and have their own history,
don't they? Maybe merging them later would be a pain. OTOH, web
history isn't that valuable, nobody will cry over it if we lose it.

For those interested, SF's SVN seems to work ok, with advertisements
included in each commit message and so.

Hmmm... SVN might just be an excellent replacement to the crappy
binary file mirror thingy I wrote... tasty.

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