Re: [AD] OSX x86 patch

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On Sat, 2006-04-08 at 18:51 +0200, Evert Glebbeek wrote:
> > Yes, ALLEGRO_USE_C would be defined in asm.inl, as alias to
> > ALLEGRO_NO_ASM. And the makefile define doesn't change at all.
> Ok. Go fot it!

Ok, applied it to SVN. So, this means:

If ALLEGRO_NO_ASM is defined, then no asm is used throughout Allegro's
sources. ALLEGRO_USE_C does not exist anymore (since we don't know what
it's purpose was in the first place) and should not be used (except,
there's a makefile variable with that name, which simply will cause
-DALLEGRO_NO_ASM being passed to the compiler.).

The only consequence for the OSX x86 problems is, there should be one
confusion less, since ALLEGRO_USE_C is gone.

Elias Pschernig

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