Re: [AD] AllegroGL

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I would be willing to help out with AllegroGL.  Send
me a todo list and ill take a crack

--- Elias Pschernig <elias@xxxxxxxxxx>

> Should we try and make a release together with
> Allegro 4.2.1? When I
> asked on, Bob said "go for it" - so I
> assume he doesn't have
> time to do it himself :)
> Easiest way would probably be to first migrate the
> CVS version over to
> SVN (either to bafserv, or to SF-alleg, or
> SF-allegrogl), then apply
> missing patches, and release as allegrogl 2.6.0beta.
> I would volunteer
> to try and do things up to that point.
> Once confirmed it works under Linux, OSX and
> Windows, it could then be
> released as AllegroGL 2.6.0. 
> Since it seems nobody has enough time to test with
> old version, I guess
> we should not support using AllegroGL 2.6.0 with
> anything older than
> Allegro 4.2.0.
> If someone wants to use (the unmaintained) Allegro
> 4.0.x, then they can
> use (the unmaintained) AllegroGL 2.4.x.
> -- 
> Elias Pschernig
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