[AD] Re: Build Errors on Mac OSX (x86) |
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" .balign 4, 0x90 ; " to " .align 4, 0x90 ; "
According to the ffmpeg folks[1], ".balign 2^X" should be replaced by ".p2align X". So that's
.balign 4, 0x90 => .p2align 2, 0x90 Peter Hull wrote
tricky though as I don't have a x86 Mac
In #fink on freenode.net we often have Mac/Intel users willing to help. I'll see if I can find someone. Enjoy your holiday!
Dave Vasilevsky (vasi on freenode) [1] http://archives.free.net.ph/message/20060216.215546.ad152c7a.en.html
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