Re: [AD] trouble with scons build system |
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Peter Wang wrote:
The settings are for setting up paths and things in scons but all the platform["X"] things are found in include/allegro/platform/alunixac.h. The way it works is if the .h file exists the file will be read as opposed to the configure checks being invoked but only things that are #define'd are set to 1 in the platform[] variable.On 2006-03-18, Jon Rafkind <workmin@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:I dont see anything wrong with it but platform["ALLEGRO_WITH_ESDDIGI" ] should have been defined, 0 if you dont have ESD.Try running $scons config=1.Nope. Where do a look to see if platform["ALLEGRO_WITH_ESDDIGI"] is defined? The contents of settings.cfg are [unix] cppflags = [] linkflags = ['$__RPATH'] libpath = ['/usr/X11R6/lib'] ccflags = ['-mcpu=pentium'] libs = ['m', 'vga', 'c', 'jack', 'X11', 'Xext', 'Xcursor', 'Xxf86dga', 'Xxf86vm', 'Xpm', 'pthread', 'c', 'c', 'c', 'c'] cpppath = ['/usr/X11R6/include']
Now that I think about it your patch wouldnt work as intended. It just checks to see if a given key is in the hashmap platform[], not if its set to 1. All your checks would have to be
if "foobar" in platform and platform["foobar"]: ...dosomething...maybe it would be more elegant to set all keys that could go into platform to 0 or even more elegantly define a new class that extends hashmap but when [] is called for that object return 0 on a KeyError instead of raising it. Something like
class MyMap( HashMap ): def []( x ) try: return self[ x ] catch KeyError: return 0;Im no python expert so the syntax is just a guess but I think that would work out.
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