Re: [AD] PATCH: sleep in xwindows vsync emulation

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On Tue, 2006-03-21 at 13:47 +0100, Hans de Goede wrote:
> Hi all,
> I noticed while porting a game to allegro that it was a cpuhog, it 
> truned out that it used the vsync() call to regulate its framerate and 
> that the current vsync emulation in xwin.c busy waits, which is really 
> not the unix way.
> Attached a simple patch which causes allegro to sleep
> while waiting in the vsync emulation function.

Thanks, committed it.

> Regards,
> Hans
> p.s.
> I never heard anything about by mmap and mremap instead of malloc and 
> realloc pathc for the asm stretch blit code generation. Is it ok, will 
> you apply it or?

I can see some replies in the thread "More "mprotect" troubles (4.2.1
showstopper?)" here.. 

Elias Pschernig

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