Re: [AD] Is there a licensing reason why PNG isn't built-in to Allegro? |
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Milan Mimica wrote:
> Kirk Black wrote:
>> I'm not very familiar with PNG. It seems like a good format to use but I
>> notice Allegro doesn't have built-in support but rather one must get the
>> loadpng/libpng/zlib libraries and build them as options. Are there
>> licensing or technical reasons why PNG isn't built-in with Allegro?
> It would add more dependencies.
> I think we're about pulling all bitmap format stuff out of allegro core.
This is somewhat related. Did anybody successfully use loadpng addon on
MacOS X? Looks like we are having some strange problems. Alpha channel
and some other colors appear to be swapped, see screenshot:
I don't have Mac myself, so it is hard to investigate this problem for
me. But if it is loadpng problem, having loadpng as a part of allegro
library would certainly help to improve its portability.
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