Re: [AD] proposing a new official .lib name for VC static CRT version

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On 2006-01-10, Matthew Leverton <meffer@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On 1/10/06, Robert Ohannessian <ROhannessian@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > Static runtimes will likely break all existing Allegro Windows apps and
> > most add-ons.
> >
> Yes, people would have to compile their add-ons the same way. That's
> why I am suggesting a different name for the static runtime version.
> As Allegro works now, two incompatible versions of the library are
> built using the same library name.

Different names for incompatible builds is a good idea.

Not to pull this too far off track but, at least on Unix, the C-only
builds ought be given different names too.  Quite a few people seem to
have a preference for that version.  If we had an official, distinct
name for the C-only version you could have both versions installed
simultaneously, and you could distribute binaries linked against the
C-only version.  That would probably require our makefiles to build and
install both versions by default.  Maybe a idea for 4.2.2?


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