Re: [AD] new demo game

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On Sun, 2006-01-01 at 12:00 +0100, Evert Glebbeek wrote:
> > Hmm, what was the rationale separating the demos into a new module?
> I think it was a suggestion in the spirit of separating loosely related 
> things into modules to make it a bit easier to maintain and get more 
> people to work on them. Obviously it wasn't thought-through enough when it 
> comes to the build system.
> What I think we could have is a build system that builds the demo that 
> comes with Allegro (as we have now) and a makefile for compiling it 
> separately with Allegro already installed.

I think providing an example makefile how to build an external game
using allegro is a good idea, so we can do that now for the demo.

But also didn't think about what to do with e.g. the 4.2.1 release.
Probably we can make the demo an optional target in the main build

Elias Pschernig

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