Re: [AD] A New Allegro Thread starts here....

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I'm sorry for a late reply.

Death Gauge wrote:

> What is so hard about this? I mean come on....What is allegro? Why
> would a channel made for allegro have discussions on what it is?
> Allegro is first and foremost a library. Now what kind of library is
> it is under debate depending on who you ask. For me it is a multimedia
> library that started out as a game programming library and thanks to
> the dedicated members that are constantly working on it the library
> has become the multimedia library that it is today. You can use
> allegro to make games, or in projects that have nothing to do with
> games. I have seen people make winamp stuff with allegro and a lot more.
> --Death Gauge
> "How do you gauge your death?!"

@Death Gauge: Yup. For instance, a visualization I made used Allegro's
nice blitting and primitive routines.

> Chris Jones wrote:
> I think he's implying that allegro should be written like a traditional
> software project -- ie. the "customer" provides requirements and then
> allegro should be written to meet the requirements.


> However because of the nature of allegro and the way it is developed,
> there
> is no one "customer" who is in charge of what allegro should and
> should not
> do, and features tend to just get added when somebody writes the code and
> others agree that it should be part of allegro. In this sense I'm not
> sure
> it necessarily lends itself to objective-driven design.
In the worst cases, that might lead to a redesign of the library. In few
cases, it merges well with the library. Remaining cases, it forms a kludge.

Well.. I'll start looking into this issue soon.


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