Re: [AD] acquire_bitmap weirdness

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Elias Pschernig wrote:
I have no idea, and it's hard for me to follow the code (Why would
DirectX need "bank unwriting?" - I thought that's something only
existent in old VESA drivers..). So well, I would not be surprised by
either way.

DDraw still needs to support VESA boards, for those nasty old video cards that don't have Windows drivers. MS decided to expose the limitations to the applications in an intrusive way, unlike Allegro.

My tests show that I can draw about 5% more putpixel in a second with an
acquire_screen pair, than without.. with pthreads for 2.6 kernels, mutex
locks are mostly the function call overhead if the lock is not congested
(and only get very slow if a locked mutex is hit, and a syscall is

I don't think anyone cares about the performance of putpixel.

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