Re: [AD] proposing a new official .lib name for VC static CRT version

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On 2006-01-11, Chris <chris.kcat@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Wednesday 11 January 2006 23:30, Peter Wang wrote:
> > Not to pull this too far off track but, at least on Unix, the C-only
> > builds ought be given different names too.
> Is the C-only version incompatible with the asm version?

Yes.  The bank switching routines use different calling conversions, but
also some internal symbols exist in one version but not the other.
For example, when I try to run a binary compiled with an asm-Allegro
against a C-Allegro, I get this message:

./examples/ex12bit: symbol lookup error: ./examples/ex12bit: undefined symbol: _mask_mmx_16


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