[AD] Re: [ alleg-Bugs-1398948 ] add_clip_rect docs is wrong

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Here's a patch to fix it.

Elias Pschernig
Index: docs/src/allegro._tx
--- docs/src/allegro._tx	(revision 5629)
+++ docs/src/allegro._tx	(working copy)
@@ -5042,7 +5072,7 @@
 @@void @add_clip_rect(BITMAP *bitmap, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2);
 @xref set_clip_rect, get_clip_rect, set_clip_state, get_clip_state
-@domain.hid Expands a bitmap's clipping rectangle with a new area.
+@shortdesc Intersects a bitmap's clipping rectangle with the given area.
    Sets the clipping rectangle of the specified bitmap as the intersection of
    its current clipping rectangle and the rectangle described by the four

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