Re: [AD] dat/grabber and pack_fopen_chunk |
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Hmm... it seems that I can reproduce the crash in Linux by running the
grabber from a directory for which I do not have write permission (eg, /).
This is at least comforting because it makes it easier for me to debug and
test the problem in pack_fopen_chunk.
> You could use tmpfile
> ( for this on
> Linux and OSX.
The problem is that it does not seem to specify the directory that it will
be placed in, returning EACCES if the directory it tries to use is not
> On Windows, Microsoft offer the strangely useless GetTempFileName
> function
I hadn't seen that one yet. Now my brain has exploded and I need to
reassemble it before I can continue. These guys never try to do things the
easy way, do they?
> (
> fileio/fs/gettempfilename.asp) along with GetTempPath.
That one at least seems to be sane.