Re: [AD] dat/grabber and pack_fopen_chunk

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On Sunday, January 22, 2006, at 01:13  pm, Peter Wang wrote:

Apart from my above question, what would the proper fix be? I guess writing to the temp directory would be ok ($TEMP or $TMP should work for that in Windows as well as *NIX, right?), or writing to the same directory as the

Yes, it should probably try both.
You could use tmpfile ( for this on Linux and OSX. The 'same directory as the packfile' should be read-only on both these platforms (inside the App bundle for OSX and somewhere in /usr/local/share for a properly installed Linux app)

On Windows, Microsoft offer the strangely useless GetTempFileName function ( fileio/fs/gettempfilename.asp) along with GetTempPath.


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