[AD] Build process progression

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This is in response to Evert asking me to make a list of things Ive done with the build process thus far. Sorry for not sending this sooner. It got.. lost.. in the wake of my busy week.

There is a base SConscript in 4.3/ which figures out what platform its on and calls a platform-specific scons file in 4.3/scons to configure platform specific things. The files in scons/ can be thought of as classes that inherit from each other. linux.scons inherits from unix.scons which inherits from all.scons. all.scons is the base 'class' that all other scons files should inherit from. Currently the following platform specific build files exist:


There is also a checks.py file which contains all the `configure'-like checks Allegro needs.

In the works:
I have an OS X build file and a mingw build file but since 4.3 doesnt build on either of them yet I cant test them very well.

And finally, I just checked in a first draft scons build file for the demo game, skater. It works well on unix but hasnt been tested on other platforms.

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