Re: [AD] Announcing the switch from CVS to SVN on the web page

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On Tue, 2005-12-06 at 17:52 +0100, Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz wrote:
> So you are going to play with svn now. What do I do about the web
> page? Everything about CVS is obsolete then, and people won't be
> able to get the last version. CVS info on the web page should
> be changed to SVN. Stepan's CVS snapshots won't be of use too.
> And the changelogs Peter asked for are now useless too.

Yes, the "CVS" in the menubar should say "SVN". There could then be a
link back to the old CVS site (since the allegrowww is still valid), and
the rest should be updated with information like on the wiki. I can do
it if you like.

> I guess you would like a front page announce and new instructions
> on how to get the new stuff. And modify Allegro's documentation
> where needed.

Maybe we should do the announce only once the above is done, so could
directly link to the new instructions.

Elias Pschernig

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