RE: [AD] Question about 256 colors modes

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> problem I've found is that sometimes the graphics
> programs (e.g. Photoshop) does not put the rgb=(0,0,0)
> at index 0 by default, then you can find that
> masked_blit does not "mask" because of this. In my
> case, the (0,0,0) appeared at index 254... (!?).

This appears to be a flaw in your reasonning. Did you tell
the program to generate transparency, or black ? From what
you said, I think you told it to generate black, and you
*mean* it to be transparent, but the program can't know it.
That, or the program is a bit shit when it comes to 256
colors, which is very much possible, as GIMP can be a bit
of an arse when it comes to it too.

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