Re: [AD] Bug in pause key |
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Victor wrote:
Hi people. I was programming a game and noted that the pause key was not working properly. I'm using Allegro 4.2.0 (release version), in windows server 2003. The problem is that when i press the pause key, testing 'key[KEY_PAUSE]' says that it is pressed, but when i release it, 'key[KEY_PAUSE]' still says it is pressed. The key just go to unpressed state when i press it again and then release. Or in other words, instead of saying if it is pressed or not it says if it is 'on' or 'off' (like the num, caps and scroll lock leds).
From the allegro documentation on "extern volatile char key[KEY_MAX];": "Finally, you may notice an `odd' behaviour of the KEY_PAUSE key. This key only generates an interrupt when it is pressed, not when it is released. For this reason, Allegro pretends the pause key is a `state' key, which is the only way to make it usable."
-- Milan Mimica
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