Re: [AD] patch to prevent CTRL-ALT-DEL from killing allegro under windows

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On 12/2/05, Robert Ohannessian <ROhannessian@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> This seems wrong. Lots of apps use Ctrl+Alt+foo for keyboard shortcuts.
> I find it unlikely that hitting Ctrl+Alt+Del would trigger all of them!
> The bug is more likely somewhere in Allegro's keyboard code.
Like I said, I don't know the root cause. It seems bogus to me as
well. All I know is that my patch "fixes" the glitch, and there's not
much use waiting around for someone who knows Windows and Allegro to
confirm or deny. ;) I don't know the internals of Allegro or DX, so I
wouldn't even know where to look if I wanted...

The approach of ignoring when CTRL-ALT-0x00 is found is harmless. The
worse case of something going wrong is that CTRL-ALT-END stops
working, but at least CTRL-ALT-DEL still would work without crashing
the application.

Matthew Leverton

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