RE: [AD] SAMPLE loading problem

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On Fri, 2005-11-11 at 12:04 +0000, Vincent Penecherc'h wrote:
> > Thanks, looks like a bug indeed.
> What made me unsure about it is that any one of the samples
> in a file that has this value will trigger this code, so there
> is a huge likelyhood that a lot of people will get bitten by
> this. So, if nobody reported not being able to load sounds for
> over a year (if you look at the patch, the change was made in
> summer 2004), I'm wondering *why* it fails for me.
> > I was going to commit it to both new_api_branch and HEAD, but SF said:
> new_api_branch, eh ? Is that still the al_ prefix thing ?
> Or the old (hmm) Allegro 5 API that was discussed a few years
> ago ?

It's simply 4.3.x (which is the same as that old A5 API basically).
Right now CVS looks like this:

HEAD: 4.2 branch
new_api_branch: 4.3 branch

(all other branches: deprecated or abandoned)

So all patches go to new_api_branch, except they are mere bug fixes,
then they go to both.

Or that's how I understand it, may be somewhat off there.. and it will
soon(?) change when we get SVN.

Elias Pschernig

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