Re: [AD] Allegro 4.3 file location API

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> I think this changes durasiticaly from version to
> version.  Sometimes you want it in
> c:\winnt\application data or other obscure places.
It doesn't matter what you the programmer want, it matters what the
registry says the user wants. Maybe this is all you are saying, but
Peter mentioned using the registry to determine the file location.

Regarding the overall idea, I think it is a must.

One note on "APP_RESOURCES -> c:\program files\%APP_ID%\"

I think that would have to be $EXE_FOLDER for Windows.

It would also be nice to be able to tell Allegro to magically look in
those places when loading bitmaps, etc. For example,
load_bmp("foo.bmp") would automatically look in APP_RESOURCES for the
file if a relative path was given. That way you don't have to build
the paths yourself every time.

I assume you mean for that to happen somehow, but it isn't explicitly mentioned.

Matthew Leverton

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