RE: [AD] fbcon directcolor modes patch, and possible other patches

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> > It looks like the __al_linux_console_graphics() call will cause the
> > current video mode to be saved, then restored when
> > __al_linux_console_text() is called.  If I am right, a better 
> > fix is to
> > move the __al_linux_console_graphics() call to before the video mode
> > gets set.  Further investigation required.

It does also work, since the nesting is also preserved.
Here's a patch for it if you prefer to do it in this order.
It adds more cleanup calls though.

While there, I actually had some free time, so I fixed the
palette going awry on switching back to the Allegro VT (same
problem as the mode select). Later, I'll probably make it so
the directcolor palette is saved on switch out, and restore
that. set_ramp_colormap is also rewritten (better, hopefully).

I also implemented get_refresh_rate.

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Attachment: fb_exit-2.diff
Description: fb_exit-2.diff

Attachment: fb_switch.diff
Description: fb_switch.diff

Attachment: fb_refresh.diff
Description: fb_refresh.diff

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