Re: [AD] Broken behaviour of al_findfirst.

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On November 21, 2005 09:11 am, Vincent Penecherc'h wrote:
> > Anyhow, this is what I've bothered to put up on the wiki for
> > now, input is
> > more than welcome:
> >
> Adding mmap ability (if supported by the underlying filesystem object) ?
> Anyway, is it related to that filter code that was talked about
> some time ago ? While conceptually interesting, it seemed like a
> large lot of stuff for something like Allegro.

The STREAM handle can have a chain of filters attached, so I suppose its 
similar in that way. But its more tuned to the "Filesystem" concept, than a 
list of "filters".

> I can't quite see the overall picture with what you linked there,
> I guess the high level API would be nice to have a couple examples
> of to be able to comment more.

Yeah, I'm not 100% on what that'll look like, I had wanted to make it like 
kde's or xine's URI system, ie: file://foo/bar.png loads foo/bar.png from the 
local file system. /foo/bar.png or vfs://foo/bar.png loads it from the VFS. 
And the difference between the local file system and the VFS, is that / 
or /foo in the VFS can be "mounted" (like in unix) to any VFS supported file 
system, ie: file:///usr/share/mygame/data or zip,file://foo/

> Still, I shaved off the last directory of the URL and found a lot
> of other articles, I'll have some reading to do....

Thomas Fjellstrom

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