Re: [AD] Focusing on priorities and the philosophy behind our constributions (was: malloc) |
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- To: Allegro developers mailing list <alleg-developers@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: Re: [AD] Focusing on priorities and the philosophy behind our constributions (was: malloc)
- From: Stepan Roh <stepan@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Mon, 21 Nov 2005 19:56:11 +0100 (CET)
(Good old gradha. This is so much fun!)
On Sun, 20 Nov 2005, Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz wrote:
For some reason I consider anything done for free is a waste of
time. But there are still people with funny ideas, I see..
It would be waste of time if it was not rewarded in any way. Being it
money, thank-you letters, hits on Google or just good feeling. Or it may
be just a form of "paying back" for something free you used.
In this view digging a 20 metres deep hole in the backyard is not waste
of time too. It is just a small exercise.
Stepan Roh, why do you keep lurking and providing your web page with
different versions, source browser and other stuff?
Stepan, you have a fetish for keeping things around like a store
Those are interesting questions. I don't use Allegro any more. Mainly
because I stopped programming in C a long time ago. But also because I
don't have an idea for what I should use it (I no longer attempt to make
games). But when I used it and from time to time sent a patch or two I
needed source browser - it was just an obvious step to open it for
I would stop source browser and old versions if it took too much of my
time or my resources, but it is very automated process, there is a plenty
of free storage space and I don't even saturate my available internet
connection. Note that I stopped providing packages for Slackware, because
it consumed too much of my time.
As for why I am still lurking here. Well this will get too sentimental,
but Allegro was my very first OSS project I contributed to. And that was
almost eight years ago and it is like watching your baby grow. Or niece,
'cause I am no father. Of course if it looks like dying I'll be first to
jump out the boat :-)
Geez, I spent on writing this mail more time than on any other
Allegro-related activity I did this month.
Oh, and I do have a fetish for keeping things around...
Have a nice day.
Stepan Roh