Re: [AD] Colorconv blitters

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Evert Glebbeek wrote:

On Tuesday 18 October 2005 03:01, Peter Hull wrote:

It doesn't have to do any weird things, as far as I can see. So no, I don't think so. It should just be able to do
*(unsigned int *)dest  = *(unsigned int *)src;
src += 4;
dest += 4;
Those unsigned ints should really be uint32's too, but I guess it doesn't really matter in this case.

Such code can probably cause alignment problems and program misbehaviour
when run on ARM (from what I have read, it is very strict about
alignment). I know that allegro does not officially support ARM yet, but
you may want to check this thread:

Port of ufo2000 to nokia 770 is currently in process and allegro even
seems to run there though having some problems. When or if I get nokia
770 (a real device) in my posession, I will try to ensure that allegro
works there :)

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