[AD] OSX patches - the final set?

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Please find attached:
1. Patch for todo.txt; the grabber bug is fixed
2. Patch for unwanted byteswapping in ccolconv (I've submitted this before) 3. Patch for Thomas Harte's 8-bit problem. It works partially in the sense that he can start an app in any desktop colour mode and it will work. If he changes depth while the app is running, he gets a garbled display. On the other hand, I can change depth and it's fine. To contrast, SDL doesn't even try to respond when colour depth changes (a known 'bug'.) Thomas can start an app in 16 and 32 bit mode, but not 8. Oddly, though, he can change between 16 and 32 without problem. On the other hand, it crashes for me if I change depth. The whole thing is horrible and I don't intend to pursue it, given that QuickDraw (which both Allegro and SDL use) is likely to go away when the next OSX comes out (the PPC + Intel one).


Attachment: osx-todo.diff
Description: Binary data

Attachment: ccolconv.diff
Description: Binary data

Attachment: osx-8bit.diff
Description: Binary data

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