Re: [AD] Exception Support for Allegro

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On Thursday 06 October 2005 02:08 pm, Serge Semashko wrote:
> C++ is famous for the lack of common ABI
> supported by all compilers, each of the compilers has (or at least can
> have) its own exception handling implementation. Not to mention even
> more trivial things, they even do not have a common naming conventions.

Allegro is not coded in C++, so I don't see what C++ name mangling has to do 
with anything here. C symbols *are* the same between compilers of the same OS 
(both MinGW and MSVC use the same mangling for C). But what does that have to 
do with exceptions?

> And for mingw even throwing exceptions across DLL boundary is a problem

I don't think it's technically across a DLL boundary. You're not throwing an 
exception into or out of a DLL, but rather through it. The callback's code 
and the code where the exception is caught are both in the program's space. 
I'd actually think throwing an exception through a C-code DLL is safer than a 
C++ one, since the C DLL has no risk of inadvertantly catching it.

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