Re: [AD] Non C program accessing Allegro on OS X

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On Wednesday, October 26, 2005, at 03:24  am, Jon Rafkind wrote:

While hacking the crap out of the OS X code I discovered that a Bus error would occur if rest(1) was called while the usleep( 100000 / refresh_rate ) happened. Im about to goto sleep and dont have to to investigate it now but does it sound like that might be a race condition?

Rest ends up calling usleep anyway; I don't see why calling usleep in 2 threads can be a race condition. Please let me know what you find!

Regarding your first problem, it is as Elias says. The complication is that events only get delivered to thread 1* so the event handler must be in thread 1, with your code in thread 2. Other threads are used for timers and audio.


* This is something that lillo determined in the beginning, so I don't know if there's a tricky way around it.

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