Re: [AD] 4.2.0 release demo

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As we're supposed to have this new demo for 4.2.0 and don't want to hold up 
the release for it and I probably won't have time to get it in shape in 
time, does anyone else think it's good form to remove the old demo from 
the 4.2.0 release?

You mean having no demo at all? I think as long as the examples are included it won't be that big of a deal. I personally have never run the Allegro demo game more than once, and that first time was the first time I had ever compiled Allegro. I view it at something more of a neat thing that people new to Allegro can check out to see what it's capable of, rather than a reference tool on how to use Allegro itself.

I think the examples programs have enough to get people started on their way.


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