Re: [AD] Re: file_select_ex patch

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On Friday 16 September 2005 03:41 pm, Michal Molhanec wrote:
> Chris wrote:
> > Yeah, and what about the file in those directories? They're set read-only
> > too.
> only those copyied from the CD. if it is some app it can generate files
> which won't be ro...

If it's smart enough to do that, it should be smart enough to know the 
files/folders will be read-only and fix them as needed, before generating 
those extra files. In all actuality, it shouldn't be able to create those 
files in a read-only directory without first clearing the read-only 

> and you would use -r probably when saving anything 
> so you should be able to create new file there

But the directory is marked read-only. You *shouldn't* be able to create new 
files there, or delete existing ones. Besides, as I said, programs generally 
don't hide read-only files and folders for save as operations.

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