Re: [AD] Re: file_select_ex patch

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On Friday 16 September 2005 02:57 pm, Michal Molhanec wrote:
> Chris wrote:
> > Just because DOS/Windows as an OS doesn't implement proper read-only
> > directory behavior doesn't mean a program shouldn't respect the flag.
> wow, there is some international standard of proper read-only directory
> handling... ISO or IEC at least I guess? :-)

The ISCL.. International Standard of Common Logic. ;) A directory marked 
read-only would be.. read-only.

> > so why shouldn't the same apply to read-only
> > directories?
> it can easily happen to have readonly dir on disk, e.g. by copying
> something from CD or other ro medium.

Yeah, and what about the file in those directories? They're set read-only too. 
So, you should be able to browse read-only dirs and read-only files even 
though you have -r set? It's not like -r is the default here.. you have to 
explicitly set -r, and that usually means you do not want something listed if 
it has the read-only attribute set. I think it's unfair to the programmer 
(and very messy code-wise) to cirumvent that for directories, especially when 
logic dictates a read-only folder should not be listed if you exclude things 
with the read-only attribute.

> > And as I also said on IRC, who is going to use -r anyway? GTK/Qt/Windows
> > apps don't even hide read-only files for 'save as...' dialogs. They let
> > you pick them, and if the operation can't be done it throws an error.
> so why not to implement it that way too?

What do you mean? Most programs do implement it that way. But that has nothing 
to do with hiding or not hiding directories marked read-only if you specificy 
-r.. it just means they don't use -r.

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