Re: [AD] Re: file_select_ex patch

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Chris wrote:
Nothing, other than you're not making sure the file was created. Never assume fopen("blah", "w"); will "just work".

it makes no difference in this case

But that's not what you said. You said copy from the CD, then try to put something in that new directory from the CD. You should never assume a file/folder copied from somwhere else will inherently be writeable to you.

I said that I copy some app in some directory from CD (so both app and the dir is RO) and run the app and it will create (succesfully under Win) files in the RO dir. This is simple scenario how to get RW files in RO dirs.

But this is getting off-topic. There's no reason to display a folder marked read-only if you don't want to see things with the read-only attribute. If you want a folder to be writeable, just make sure it's not set read-only. If there's something in a read-only folder that's writeable, just do the same as with a hidden folder that has unhidden files in it.. enter the name of the folder manually.

If a directory wasn't meant to be able to be marked read-only, the read-only attribute wouldn't be able to be set. But it is, and thusly should be honored. If I don't want to see things marked read-only (by using -r), I *don't* want something second-guessing me and showing me things marked read-only anyway.

But if I specify -r I want to see RO dirs because I've read Allegro documentation and I know that it applies only on files.

I still think that my previous suggestion "why don't you extend the syntax, e.g. ";/-r/-r" would mean non-readonly files and non-readonly directories etc." it's solution which will satisfy everybody


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