[AD] 4.2 final cleanup

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We need to get some momentum going again, and nothing like a deadline 
(mostly for myself) to get things going.
As Peter (Wang) said a while back, we should really put 4.2.0 release out - 
it's mostly stable enough and there'll always be 4.2.1 anyway.
The new demo is something that needs to be cleaned up and integrated, but I 
don't see that I'll have much time to do that for the next couple of weeks 
and I don't think it should hold back the release that long. So as was 
already proposed, we can integrate it thereafter.

There is one thing, or rather two things, that I think may be important. 
Both have to do with bugs Thomas Harte reported under MacOS X: one having 
to do with detection of gamepads, one having to do with 8 bit colour 
modes. I think Peter (Hull) had a fix for the first one, but I don't know 
about the second one. Do we want to have these fixed before release? Or do 
we note them down as `known issues' and push the fix into 4.2.1?

Then there's the problem with sound in Windows, reported here, 
http://www.allegro.cc/forums/view_thread.php?_id=528985. I'm not sure how 
to test and fix that. Ideas?

These issues aside, is next weekend a reasonable deadline? I won't be able 
to make it before then (well, I could manage this weekend, but that's very 
short notice) and I'll be absent the first week of october. October 4th 
would otherwise be a nice historic date.


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